Thursday, April 4, 2013

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine: Down, But Not Out

              Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine by THQ was released back in September 2011. To many fans of the Warhammer 40,000 (or Warhammer 40k) universe this was to be a momentous release. I for one was very excited to see what would come out of the alluded to images and previews. Here we are two years later and the game did not live up to the hype. Which is a shame, because the game had, and still has, potential to be something far more.

              The story of the game is a linear knock down drag out gore fest following one Captain Titus of the Ultramarines, voiced by Mark Strong (Lord Blackwood in Sherlock Holmes). One of the fun facts here with the Warhammer 40k universe it is a fully expansive and living universe created by companies and fans, with a history rich and expansive rivaling, if not surpassing, most sci-fi fantasy franchises depth. Space Marine is no different being designed to fit seamlessly and without contradiction into the other information on the universe. As I stated the story is a gore fest. You use weapons of unparalleled destruction, and smash enemies into the ground in amusingly graphic finishing moves to regain health. The linear aspect of the story does detract from the replay ability of the mode, with most people only repeating for the various achievements.

          The overlooked shining aspect of the game however is in the Multiplayer. I will come right out and say that the multiplayer does suffer from one huge draw back which is its lack of dedicated servers. Lag and host switching is commonplace. However, even this draw back has turned into an advantage. As of writing this THQ has gone belly up from some ill advised investments. If Space Marine had been on dedicated servers the game would now be over and done. Instead the game has managed to live on through those still devoted to the spirit of the game, the enjoyment of the franchise it is built upon, and the nature of their like minded community.

           Even now with the company gone, there are numerous clans still playing Space Marine competitively and for fun. They are donning the colors of Chapters and Warbands (organizational forces within the Warhammer 40k universe) that they love, or some are even creating their own with the in depth customizer that is built into the game. Many of these clans have their own websites and communicate regularly to set up games and competitions in the spirit of fun, competition, or the Emperor's will. So being a part of the Space Marine community you truly feel involved as almost everyone knows everyone else at this point.

         The mechanics of multiplayer gameplay are very simple. There is very little that one needs to understand to be completely effective in the game. The three classifications for use are Assault, Tactical and Devastator. The Tactical class gives you access to the standard (for Warhammer 40k) weapons; Bolter, Stalker Bolter, Meltagun, Vengeance Launcher, Plasma Gun and Storm Bolter.

Bolter - Also referred to as a Boltgun. This is the first weapon people get access to and is a staple weapon. It is the M16 of the game, steady rate of fire, reasonable punching power (especially when upgraded through perks).

Stalker Bolter - The Stalker Bolter is one of the two weapons that act as a Sniper Rifle in Space Marine, the other being the Lascannon. Like any sniper weapon it provides a good long range zoom, with a powerful shot, especially on headshots able to down a player in just a couple pulls of the trigger.

Meltagun - The Space Marine shotgun. It fires out a cone blast of rainbow colored energy that vaporizes anything unfortunate enough to be too close. Many players use this weapon for its simple killing power either as a back up weapon, or in hoping they can cover the distance fast enough to get within its effective range.

Vengeance Launcher - This is by far the trickiest weapon to learn to use, but when mastered is incredibly deadly. It fires out little mines that stick to whatever they hit and then can be detonated by the shooter. This allows people to turn their friends into walking bombs, or set up traps for unsuspecting players to walk into.

Plasma Gun - The love child of the Bolter and the Meltagun. Decent range, good fire rate, with the potential to fire away at ludicrous speeds if your finger is that quick, and the ability to charge your shot for a blast that will destroy what it hits.

Storm Bolter - Fire rate. That is what this gun is, it unleashes a torrent of fire that will forgive your poor accuracy through sheer weight of bullets fired. In the hands of a skilled user the Storm Bolter will make mince meat of people at short to mid-range.

       The Assault marine is equipped with a Jump Pack which is a jet assisted means of travel as well as, if used properly, an effective weapon. He is the close combat expert able to use Chainsword (Powersword if one played the Kill Team arcade game), Chainax/Powerax, or Thunder Hammer/Daemon Maul. As well as outfitting themselves with either a Bolt Pistol or a Plasma Pistol. The dual weapons are because Space Marines and Chaos have different names, but same stats for those weapons.

Chainsword - The basic melee weapon, lowest damage, but very quick attack speed allow you to effectively close the distance and dish out a lot of punishment very quickly. Designed to get in, do your dirty work, and get out.

Chainax/Powerax - This is the middle ground weapon, higher power than the sword, but trades it off with a slower swing speed. Means that it is easier for somebody to get around or away from your attacks if you're not on the ball.

Thunder Hammer/Daemon Maul - Death. These weapons are incredibly slow, but in most cases a single swing will end your target

        Last the Devastator is the heavy weapons expert, slower than the other two. He can use a Heavy Bolter, Plasma Cannon, or Lascannon.

Heavy Bolter - The M60 of the Warhammer 40k universe. Bolter on steroids, much more damage, much better rate of fire, and a plethora of ammunition at your disposal.

Plasma Cannon - The Plasma Gun upped one, it's basic shot is similar to the charged shot on the Plasma Gun, but it's charged blast will demolish whole areas. This is your ordinance weapon.

Lascannon - This is what most people would consider the true sniper weapon of the game, a single headshot will eliminate a target, or two shots to the body. Aiming with it takes some work, because it does not always shoot precisely where your reticle is located.

          With these weapons you have a load of perks to choose from, which I will not go into. And you fight in a variety of scenarios from Annihilation, to Seize Ground to Capture the Flag. Or if you don't like competitive multiplayer they have Exterminatus where you and up to three of your friends can go wipe out Orks in cooperative horde mode against waves of enemies, or against Space Marines with the Chaos expansion they released.

          What the main failing of this game is, is that they didn't do enough. Even now the game is fun, and alive, but it could have been so much more. Where are the Librarians, Terminators, Tyranids, Necrons, Eldar, Tau? Where is the Missile Launcher, Powerfist, Lightning Claws, Flamer, and Autocannon? The saddest part is that the code for some of those things are even in the game, people on the PC have found them and unlocked them in various mods, so why was it left unfinished to pursue silly, financially costly ventures that ended up destroying the company?

         In the end, fans of the Warhammer 40k universe can just hope that the next game will be great. There is always hope for the next game.

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